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Help Center



How do I join the server?

You search "FivePD" or "LSPDFR" and you will find us up the top!

Once you join, you will see the tutorial popup screen, we recommend you read the rules and guides and read through the tutorial. You can view the tutorial again by typing /tutorial into the chat. NOTE: Please don't use /calladmin for help about things already present in our tutorial or an issue that a nearby player can help you with

How do I use FivePD?

Once you join the server press F11 and press Enter on the 'On Duty' option but you are not done there yet! Spawn a police car by pressing "t" to open chat, then typing "/vs" then select a vehicle (SAFR, FBI and SADOT will be restricted unless granted permissions in our discord. While inside the vehicle and on duty press B to open the CAD menu. Here you can join a department from our long list of departments. You will randomly receive a callout and it can take a while, once you receive a callout press Y to accept it and respond with your lights (by pressing Q) and toggle the siren (with ALT). After you've completed the callout, press "Z" and 'Code 4'.

How do I use the Dispatch menu?

The Dispatch menu can be used to call for a tow truck, EMS, Fire, coroner, mechanic, animal control and many other different services! You can call them by pressing G > Dispatch and pressing Enter on the service you require. The service will then respond to you and deal with the issue (e.g a dead body) and then leave, you can also cancel a service by pressing Enter again in the Dispatch menu after calling for a service. You can also places props (cones, road blocks and more) and speed zones (which are configurable to control the speed of traffic). You can access these by press G > Scene Menu and Pick either "Object Menu" or "Speed Zone Menu"

How to delete Peds and Vehicles?

Sometimes a scene can get out of control so the only option is to delete them from the game. This can be done by typing /dv or /fdv in the chat to delete a vehicle, /fdp to delete a ped and /fdo to delete an object (e.g a police barrier). Doing so can often help with the performance of the server and the frame rate of you and other players!

How do I initiate a traffic stop?

When behind a vehicle in a police vehicle press Left Shift to initiate a traffic stop. You must now press Q and turn on your lights to signal the driver to pull over, they will pull over or flee. If they don't pull over where you wish you can press X and adjust where they are pulled over. Hold Left Shift to cancel the traffic stop and the vehicle should drive off.

I didn't find an answer for my question

If one of these did not solve your problem then join our discord (

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